Fabrication of nanostructured silicon surface using selective chemical etching (2025)

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Low reflecting hierarchically textured silicon by silver assisted chemical etching for potential solar cell application

vijay prajapati

Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018

Present study reports fabrication of silicon nanowires over micro-textured Si substrates. Silver assisted electroless chemical etching route has been adopted for fabrication of the nanowires. Influence of HF concentration on the formation kinetics has been investigated by using scanning electron microscopy. The hierarchical binary structures have been able to reduce solar weighted reflectance (SWR) to <3% in broad spectral range (300-1100 nm), from 38% SWR of the polished silicon without any additional coating. Such reduction in reflectivity is obtained for <1 µm nanowires length. It is observed that at relatively lower concentration of HF the nanowires are preferably formed only in <100> direction. However, with increase in the concentration, etching in both <100> and non-<100> directions such as <111> also occurs on the micro-pyramids of similar dimensions and results in the binary structures with slanted silicon nanowires on 3-dimansional micro-pyramids.

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Silicon Nanostructures for Molecular Sensing: A Review

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ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022

This review presents a comprehensive synopsis of the recent developments and achievements in the research of nanosensors composed of plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) and silicon nanostructures (NSs) for effective trace-level molecular detection. This review focuses intensively on the methodologies for the preparation and enforcement of a variety of SiNSs including (a) metal nanoparticles decorated silicon nanowires (NWs), (b) metal nanodendrites (NDs) on Si substrate, (c) plasmonic NPs decorated nanocrystalline porous silicon (pSi), and (d) silicon composed hybrid nanostructures with favorable parameters of importance in sensing. Furthermore, their potency in wide molecular sensing applications, especially chemical, biological, and explosive molecules based on surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) phenomenon is discussed in detail. Various demonstrations and categorizations are provided on the topic of Si-based NSs for a clear understanding to diverse readers. A roadmap is also provided at the end for achieving superior sensing materials or devices in the future.

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Microreactor-Assisted Nanomaterial Deposition (MAND) process offers unique capabilities in achieving large size and shape control levels while providing a more rapid path for scaling via process intensification for nanomaterial production. This review highlights the application of continuous flow microreactors to synthesize, assemble, transform, and deposit nanostructured materials for Solar Photovoltaics, the capabilities of MAND in the field, and the potential outlook of MAND.Microreactor-Assisted Nanomaterial Deposition (MAND) is a promising technology that synthesizes reactive fluxes and nanomaterials to deposit nanostructured materials at the point of use. MAND offers precise control over reaction, organization, and transformation processes to manufacture nanostructured materials with distinct morphologies, structures, and properties. In synthesis, microreactor technology offers large surface-area-to-volume ratios within microchannel structures to accelerate heat and mass trans...

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Fabrication of nanostructured SERS substrates on conductive solid platforms for environmental application

Daniel Sarfo

Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2019

Due to its high analytical sensitivity and field deplorability, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has emerged as an analytical tool for detecting environmental toxicants in different matrices. Progress has been made towards development of methods for depositing nanostructures onto solid platforms to design SERS substrates. The properties of the solid platforms used for SERS substrates fabrications such as electrical and heat conductivity, malleability and foldability, have significant influence on the design of the nanostructures and are critical for SERS technique. This review takes a look at recent advances in commonly employed conductive solid materials such as indium tin oxide, carbon fiber, silicon wafers, polyaniline fiber and carbon nanotubes as the supporting platforms for fabricating SERS substrates. It also examines their influence on the fabrication method, the morphology of the nanostructures formed as well as the hot spot density on the resultant novel SERS substrates. Real world applications of these substrates for the detection of environmental toxicants over the past decade have been shown. The review indicates that while significant advances have been made on the use of the conductive properties of these support platforms for SERS substrate fabrication, their subsequent application to detect environmental toxicants have not been fully explored.

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Formation of silicon nanowire packed films from metallurgical-grade silicon powder using a two-step metal-assisted chemical etching method

Ouertani Rachid

Nanoscale Research Letters, 2014

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Optical and Electrical Characteristics of Silicon Nanowires Prepared by Electroless Etching

Dr. Mohamed Fadhali

Silicon nanowires (SiNWs) were fabricated by the electroless etching of an n-type Si (100) wafer in HF/AgNO 3. Vertically aligned and high-density SiNWs are formed on the Si substrates. Various shapes of SiNWs are observed, including round, rectangular, and triangular. The recorded maximum reflectance of the SiNWs is approximately 19.2%, which is much lower than that of the Si substrate (65.1%). The minimum reflectance of the SiNWs is approximately 3.5% in the near UV region and 9.8% in the visible to near IR regions. The calculated band gap energy of the SiNWs is found to be slightly higher than that of the Si substrate. The I–V characteristics of a freestanding SiNW show a linear ohmic behavior for a forward bias up to 2.0 V. The average resistivity of a SiNW is approximately 33.94 Ω cm.

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Passivation of all-angle black surfaces for silicon solar cells

amirjan nawabjan

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

Optical losses at the front surface of a silicon solar cell have a significant impact on efficiency, and as such, efforts to reduce reflection are necessary. In this work, a method to fabricate and passivate nanowire-pyramid hybrid structures formed on a silicon surface via wet chemical processing is presented. These high surface area structures can be utilised on the front surface of back contact silicon solar cells to maximise light absorption therein. Hemispherical reflectivity under varying incident angles is measured to study the optical enhancement conferred by these structures. The significant reduction in reflectivity (<2%) under low incident angles is maintained at high angles by the hybrid textured surface compared to surfaces textured with nanowires or pyramids alone. Finite Difference Time Domain simulations of these dual micro-nanoscale surfaces under varying angles supports the experimental results. In order to translate the optical benefit of these high surface area structures into improvements in device efficiency, they must also be well passivated. To this end, atomic layer deposition of alumina is used to reduce surface recombination velocities of these ultra-black silicon surfaces to below 30 cm/s. A decomposition of the passivation components is performed using capacitance-voltage and Kelvin Probe measurements. Finally, device simulations show power conversion efficiencies exceeding 21% are possible when using these ultra-black Si surfaces for the front surface of back contact silicon solar cells.

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Fabrication and applications of AuAg alloy metasurfaces and hybrid metal dielectric nanoantennas

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Progress in the Development of SERS-Active Substrates Based on Metal-Coated Porous Silicon

Hanna Bandarenka

Materials, 2018

The present work gives an overview of the developments in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) with metal-coated porous silicon used as an active substrate. We focused this review on the research referenced to SERS-active materials based on porous silicon, beginning from the patent application in 2002 and enclosing the studies of this year. Porous silicon and metal deposition technologies are discussed. Since the earliest studies, a number of fundamentally different plasmonic nanostructures including metallic dendrites, quasi-ordered arrays of metallic nanoparticles (NPs), and metallic nanovoids have been grown on porous silicon, defined by the morphology of this host material. SERS-active substrates based on porous silicon have been found to combine a high and well-reproducible signal level, storage stability, cost-effective technology and handy use. They make it possible to identify and study many compounds including biomolecules with a detection limit varying from milli-to femtomolar concentrations. The progress reviewed here demonstrates the great prospects for the extensive use of the metal-coated porous silicon for bioanalysis by SERS-spectroscopy.

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Reusable Au/Pd-coated chestnut-like copper oxide SERS substrates with ultra-fast self-recovery

Ibrahim Abdulhalim

Applied Surface Science, 2020

Reliable and reusable plasmonic substrates are crucial for the development of biosensing applications using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), as they can provide unique advantages for ultrafast and accurate single-molecule recognition of different species. These properties are unrevealed in this paper, where thermally annealed cupric CuO and cuprous oxide Cu 2 O heterostructures were used as templates for highly stable nanotextured surfaces and design of robust 3D plasmonic biochips. Differently tailored nano/micro-roughness provided outstanding light trapping abilities that lead to significant SERS performance improvement. It was found that Cu 2 O chestnut-like substrate activated with 80 nm Au/Pd alloy film reveals impressive 3.7-fold Raman signal increment in respect to grainy-like structure and about twice larger amplification than that of nanowires enriched platform decorated in the same manner. Large enhancement factor AEF~5 × 10 5 of a chestnut-like Au/Pd@/Cu 2 O chip allows adding it up to the list of the most effective oxide-based plasmonic substrates. Moreover, the substrate shows unprecedented durability during repetitive plasma-cleaning, demonstrating a remarkable 100% self-recovery in less than 1 min, accompanied by virtually no thickness degradation of the plasmonic layer.

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Fabrication of nanostructured silicon surface using selective chemical etching (2025)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.